
Leaf Boat and Tiny Lighthouse

             『Leaf Boat and Tiny Lighthouse』                 ( Pieni bounus Album)
                              「 Pieni」収録『leaf boat』から繋がる小さな町と灯台の物語。
flau shop と 一部の店舗にセカンドアルバムの特典としてつく14曲入り、手廻しオルゴール主体のPieniのプロトタイプ的作品。(ダウンロードカード/PieniのCDのみの特典)
A story of a small town and a lighthouse connected from "leaf boat" recorded "Pieni" recorded in childhood, based on memories in Tohoku.
Flau shop and some  shops entered 14 songs to be given as a bonus for the second album, prototypical works by Pieni, mainly handworking music box.(Download card/Pieni CD only Bounus)

特典作品取り扱い店一覧 http://machinone.blogspot.com/2018/11/pieni_15.html

1 Gomoje        0:49
2 Small Shadow     1:01
3 Leaf Boat (Proto ver)  2:34
4 green light       0:39
5 満月荘         2:32
6 Pieni Kolme       1:34
7 feu follet        2:30
8 blue trask (udsving Ver) 2:26
9 klon          0:58
10 あじさい       2:19
11 Phos (Proto ver)    2:38
12 Pumpe        1:00
13 Tiny lighthouse    3:41
14 Lilac         2:10

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